My husband and I are having quite an adventure.  We were chosen to drive a new Winnebago RV to Alaska. It was not on our bucket list but when we were given the opportunity, we were very excited to say, “Yes!”  In this case, it is about the journey AND the destination.

What has been amazing are the different reactions we received from different people when we told them our plans.  Most people saw it as the adventure it is and embraced our joy whether it was something they would enjoy doing.   One of my friends, who lives in Alaska in the summer, gave us wonderful information about possible routes and must do stops.  Then, there are those that exposed their fears through their voiced concerns, some of which I shared initially. These concerns ranged from:

Where are you going to stay?  – route and reservations made

Running out of gas – we have the latest issue of the “Alaska Milepost” with every gas station identified

Weather – out of our control

Cleanliness – we will be the first to stay overnight in the RV

Driving a big rig – my husband is great at towing and backing up a boat. He did great last summer when we rented a camper if you don’t count the time he nudged the camper parked behind us.  We took out the extra insurance to give us piece of mind.

Sitting too long – many hikes are planned

Being bored – I’m looking forward to being unplugged, books are packed as is my fully loaded kindle. I’m enjoying having time for meditating, writing and maybe needle crafting.  The scenery has been breath-taking.

I had expected the above concerns. However, there was one serious response that took me by surprise, “Oh, Barb, why are you acting so old? How could you turn into an old person?”  Getting old is not one of my fears, I have learned you need to embrace the seasons of your life to find joy.  Watching my parents age, I learned to do while you still can. This trip is quite an adventure and not for the faint-hearted.  Even though we met a couple that has done this trip fourteen times, I’m glad we are doing it now. There is no better way of feeling young at heart than having new experiences, sure beats watching TV.

We all have different perspectives based on our past and our personalities. We judge others based on our perspectives. It is so easy to project our fears onto others. So, thanks to the many that supported our adventure, especially those that have no desire to do it. So far, it has been as wonderful as you all imagine it would be.  I am very grateful.

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at  I love hearing your kindness stories.  Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!