March 2018
When You Criticize, It Characterizes You
When my daughter asked me if I wanted to see the Trolls, I said, “Sure!” I don’t especially enjoy cartoons but it is one of my daughter’s favorite movies so I accepted the invitation. What a joyous evening listening to my granddaughters, ages 5 and 6, sing every word to every song while watching the movie. If you haven’t seen the movie, the songs are a definite highlight. The lead single, “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” won a Grammy award.
The movie has a great message. It is best summarized by Princess Poppy in this quote: “Happiness isn’t something you put inside, it’s already there. Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it.” The message is a good reminder for all of us.
After I watched the movie, I read the reviews. Most reviews I read gave it a 4 out of 5. However, there was one reviewer who gave it an “F,” saying it was a complete failure. I was amazed. Did they really watch the same movie I did? Sure, it is not the best movie ever produced but it was an uplifting kid’s movie. Did the critic watch a different version?
The differences between the reviews are not different versions of the movie but the difference in the watchers. The critic gets paid for judging but to criticize to the level he did, shows what lies in his heart. One of his comments was the movie was “too sweet”. I personally love “too sweet” movies. Other comments were just too absurd to quote here. The critic’s criticisms were distortions derived from his perspective. His criticisms really do say more about him than they did about the movie.
When we condemn, we are saying more about ourselves than about what we are criticizing. To quote Dale Carnegie, “Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn–and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”
Next time you are about to criticize, why not stop and think about what your criticism is saying about you. Is there a kinder way to handle the situation? You really do get to know what is in a person’s heart when you aggregate their criticisms. If hate and fear live in a heart, destructive criticism and negativity will run rampart in their words.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
Everyone thinks they are kind, but how kind are you, really? Live Kinder helps you consider how you can be kinder. Order the book for yourself and others to help make our world a kinder place.
February 2018
Does Your Voice Smile?
There are some people you can just hear the smile in their voice. I hear the smile in Andrea’s voice. Andrea is my granddaughter’s piano teacher. She is an amazing teacher, who relates well to children. She sees the wonder and positivity in everything; her excitement is contagious.
Andrea also relates well to adults. I will never forget her kindness. I took Ally to her piano lesson. Unfortunately, when we were ready to leave to my dismay my car would not turn over; the battery was dead. It was a dreadfully cold night of 10 degrees with a chilly wind. Andrea said, “No problem! I can jump your car!” Andrea missed her appointment, pushed my car so she could get her car in position and successfully jumped my car. She also made sure my phone was adequately charged, in case I didn’t make it home. All this was amazing enough, but she perceived this not as inconvenience but as an adventure. I often feel guilty when I inconvenience others but Andrea willingness was unbelievable, she made me feel like we were having a fun ladies night.
The next time I am able to support and help someone, I will remember that frigid night when Andrea voice warmed my heart. I hope a missed appointment, chilly fingers or any other inconvenience will not show in my voice. I hope my willingness will come across crystal clear. By the way, I now know how to jump a car; Andrea is a great teacher! I award Andrea with this month’s Caring Heart Award for her willingness and kindness.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
Do you know someone that deserves a Caring Heart award?
Everyone thinks they are kind, but how kind are you, really? Live Kinder helps you consider how you can be kinder. Order the book for yourself and others to help make our world a kinder place.
You Can Change the World!
I believe we all can change the world. Of course, we are not all destined to be Mother Teresa, but I do believe, we all are put on the earth to help and love one another in our own way. That’s what Caring Heart Winners do; they change their piece of the world. A good example is this month’s Caring Heart Winner, Nina Fournier.
Nina with her husband, Al, founded Janie’s Dolly’s for Recovery, a non-profit organization. Janie’s Dolly’s was conceived in April 2017. The first doll was given away in May 2017. Unfortunately, Al passed away last September. Nina’s grief over Al’s passing has been made more tolerable by knowing she is carrying out a dream that he envisioned. Nina said it has impacted all aspects of her life; most notably, her heart.
Janie’s Dolly’s donates an 18 inch doll with a scrub outfit complete with a stethoscope and also a party dress to girls that are in the hospital for extended medical treatments. Some of the girls had horrific dog bites, brain tumors, extreme burns, or chronic eye treatments; what they all have in common was they all needed something to smile about. Nina’s mission is to bring a smile to seriously ill girls, to let them forget their troubles while they play with their dolls. What I find endearing about Nina is she uses her talents and passion to be kinder to others, to make a small piece of the world a better place. What a better world we would have if we all did more kind acts.
Even though, we are not all destined to be Mother Teresa, we can all change someone’s world through our talents. If all you can do today is to support those that want to change the world, that is enough for today. At the very least, go support Nina’s mission by “liking” and “following” her face book page, Janies Dollys If you can do more, she’ll appreciate money to buy dolls, or donations of material or fasteners to make doll clothes, or just your prayers and encouragement. I have decided to help her by making buttons for her dolly’s clothes. For more information, see her web page. You can also contact Nina via email on behalf of a doll aged girl in an extended medical situation. She will need parental permission. Nina has sent dolls all over the United States.
If you have been thinking about how you can make a difference, go ahead and do it. You, too, can change the world for the better, at least your piece of it. In Mother Teresa’s words, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Nina’s advice: “It is a humbling experience to find out what others go through. Please take a step to help in whatever way you can. If more people helped one another sincerely, this world would be a better place. Volunteer, help others and enjoy the interaction.”
Do you know someone that deserves a Caring Heart award?
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
What Do Your Excuses Say About You?
I have come to realize that every emotion is based either in love or in fear. Examples of the love based emotions are joy, peace, gratitude, and compassion. Examples of fear emotions include sadness, anger, anxiety, and hatred. You are either acting from a place of love or a place of fear. When you understand this you have your own litmus test to understand your emotions and resulting actions. Simple ask, “Are you acting from a place of fear or a place of love?”
Your excuses are sometimes used as justifications for not living from a place of love. An example of an excuse born out of fear is the justification you don’t have to be nice to someone because the other person did something disrespectful to you.
My husband has given blood for years, but I always had excuses. I don’t like needles and I might faint or the time is not right because I had something more important to do, were two of my favorite excuses. Both of these were born from fear. I faced my fear and gave blood for the first time. Guess what I didn’t faint and it took only 45 minutes from when I walked into the room until I walked out of the door.
Being kind sometimes means facing your fears and doing it anyway. We think of being kind as giving money to a favorite charity or a gift to someone but kindness doesn’t have to cost money, you can give someone your time or even your blood. This Valentine’s Day give a gift of life to a stranger. It may mean the difference between life and death to a child fighting leukemia, someone having surgery or a police officer shot in the line of duty. Isn’t that worth 45 minutes of your day? When it is your turn to receive blood you will be grateful someone said no to their excuses.
Even on the road to giving blood, fear started taking hold by asking, “Why do you want to subject yourself to this unpleasantness?” So, I had to change my thinking about giving blood. Instead of being fearful about the process, I gave a prayer of gratitude that I am healthy enough to give blood while many in my age group are on medication that will not allow them to do so. I also gave a prayer of thanks that, on this day, I am healthy so I can be the giver and not the receiver of blood. I changed my thinking from a place of fear to a place of love for the person that will benefit from my donation.
Join me in giving the gift of life this month and add 10 points to your kindness score. Don’t let your fears allow you to justify your excuses.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
If you are in the southwest Missouri region, you can find out more about donation blood by clicking here.
January 2018
Kindness in China
My favorite kindness story is how I discovered kindness in China. I was in China for a week of work. My boss left on Friday but I stayed the weekend in Beijing to sightsee, as I desperately wanted to see the Great Wall of China. I was traveling all alone. When I was having breakfast on Saturday morning, I heard an angel voice say, take a “to go” breakfast for the tour guide. So, I did. She was ecstatic. She asked me if I was a psychic, as she always eats breakfast but did not have time that particular morning. I thought: “Good, she’ll remember me and not forget me on the various stops on the tour.” It was not until later that I realized how important that small act of kindness was.
After a morning of sightseeing and lunch, we arrived at the Great Wall. We rode the chair lift to the top of the mountain and went our separate directions. I was so excited to be there, so enveloped in the history. As I was shooting photos, I slipped on black ice I did not see. Unfortunately, I broke my ankle. A different tour guide saw me and called an EMT who got me down the mountain and back to the bus. On my tour bus, two nurses from Singapore found a plastic bag and packed my foot in snow. The people on the tour voted to discontinue the tour, so I could get medical attention. That was so thoughtful and kind. They were taken back to their hotels.
The bus took me to a hospital. It was now 5:00 on a Saturday night, to my surprise the tour guide gave up her Saturday night to stay with me. Thank goodness she did as no one spoke English except the doctor. I had to pay as I go and there was no way I could walk with a broken ankle to the business office to pay several times for the x-rays, the doctor examination, medication and the cast. I gave the tour guide my credit card and she made the numerous trips to the business office so I could get treatment. She would bring the credit card slip back to sign each time. The doctor put a cast on my foot so I could depart for home the next day. It was now 9:00 at night. The tour guide got me a ride, rode with me to the hotel, and had the concierge get me crutches. I’m not sure where they got the crutches at 10:00 on a Saturday night but I sure made good use of them.
It was one of those situations you worry about, needing medical attention in another country where most people can’t understand English. When it happens you just deal with it. I was so calm that day because I could feel the angels all around me. Every time I was worried about needing surgery, not being able to get home or not having anyone to get the money locked in my room safe of my hotel room if I was hospitalized, I would close my eyes and see myself on the plane, I knew everything would be ok. Heavenly peace is a wonderful gift.
I thanked the tour guide profusely and asked her why she stayed with me when she should have been at home with her young children. Her response was that our countries have not gotten along for over 500 years and she wanted me to go back to the US and tell everyone how kind the Chinese people are. And that was the first time I cried that day. I was so overwhelmed by her kindness. I really don’t know what I would have done without her. There was no one that spoke English to help me at the hospital.
The next day was a very snowy day. I had the hotel car take me to the airport. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to get from the car to the United Airlines ticket counter with my luggage and crutches. The driver spoke absolutely no English, so I thought he would be of no help. To my surprise when I opened the car door at the airport there were three people there to meet me. One had a wheelchair, one took my luggage and the other was an interpreter. The driver had arranged it. That’s the thing about kindness anyone can be kind and make a difference to someone. I gave that driver a generous tip, I hoped he knew how much his kindness meant to me that very snowy January day. I was traveling alone but I had so many strangers go out of their way for me. So, the next time you see someone that does not speak English and needs help, would you help them, to help me pay it forward?
I also learned that when you find yourself in challenging circumstances, God will send angels to help you and to convey peace even in times of difficulty.
What is your favorite kindness story? Send your story to win a free gift.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
December 2017
Ask More Questions
My daughter, Becky, loves Christmas and surprises. My son-in-law sent my daughter’s wish list to me. One of the items was an avocado smasher, something I had never heard of before. I knew Becky loves kitchen gadgets, as she is a really good cook. I instantly thought of the pineapple corer that she had given us. I went to Google and looked up avocado smashers and I found one at William Sonoma which I know is a cook’s favorite store. I ordered it and wrapped it for Christmas. On Christmas morning after opening her gift she asked, “What is this?”
I said, “It is your avocado smasher that was on your list.”
She said, “No, I meant a mortar and pestle, the kind they use in Mexican restaurants to make guacamole, that type of avocado smasher.” We both had a good laugh. We came to realize that we had different paradigms.
This is an example of how our paradigms influence our decisions. I had a paradigm of a kitchen gadget while Becky had a paradigm of a Mexican restaurant. Both avocado smashers technically do the same thing, but they are different. Which one is right? They both are right and this is the point of the story. You may have different paradigms from someone else but that doesn’t necessarily make their viewpoint wrong; it just makes it different. This simplex example shows how important communication is. If it wasn’t a surprise I would’ve called her and asked her what she had in mind before I ordered it, but since it was a surprise, I wasn’t able to ask that question. Don’t always assume you’re viewpoint is the correct one or the only one. We all get locked in our paradigms from time to time. How do you break down the paradigms that may be blocking you from seeing the world from a different perspective? Ask a lot more questions; don’t just assume you’re right. It’s the kind thing to do.
For this New Year’s, why not make a resolution to ask more questions instead of assuming you’re the right one. Stop assuming the other person is wrong or has bad intentions. Try to think why someone said a comment you do not agree with and then ask more questions. By doing so, you will be opening your mind and heart to a broader world and giving the other person’s perspective more consideration. This is an easy way to increase your daily kindness score.
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Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
What Do You See First: Imperfections or Beauty?
Early in 2017, I decided I would make my own tiles for my kitchen backsplash. I never realize the hundreds of hours it would take to finish the project. I spent months testing clay and glaze combinations. It took months to find the right glaze. It took several kiln loads to figure out that differing clay bodies were causing variations in the finished glaze color. In August, I lost a kiln load of tile because of few of the tiles were not dry enough when they were fired. The damp tiles exploded leaving unwanted bits on the hundreds of other tiles in the kiln, making them damaged and unusable. I was ready to give up; I was running out of time. The backsplash needed to be done before the home tour. I went to the tile store to see if there was another choice that would be satisfactory for my kitchen. What I discovered, at the tile store, is that textured tiles in differing tones and textures looked beautiful and were in style. I realized by trying to have perfect tiles I was missing the opportunity to have a unique backsplash filled with tiles of different textures and tones. I went home motivated to finish the backsplash by embracing the variations. If I wanted perfect I would go buy manufactured tiles, but I needed handmade to make the backsplash uniquely mine.
Anyone working with clay tiles realizes the hardest part is drying the tile, so they dry evenly and flat. Their natural tendency is to curl as they dry. As the tiles went on the wall it seemed that more and more of the imperfections could be seen. Thankfully, the grouting and the polishing helped to improve their appearance. Every day I fell more in love with the backsplash, but they were far from what some people would judge as “perfect.” I was worrying way too much what others would think with their perfection filter. Then something amazing happened; The Holy Spirit talked to me one day. The Holy Spirit said, “Think of each tile as a person, each uniquely different, some with more roughness, others more smooth.” I came to realize that life isn’t supposed to be perfect.
When the grout was added it made each of the individual tiles more beautiful than just one single one alone. It became a beautiful mosaic. I realized it is like God’s love that ties us together and helps to get rid of our rough edges, some tiles (or people) need more love to tie us together than others. When the tiles were polished, it is similar to how each of us can shine in God’s love. Some of us shine more than others but in God’s love, we all shine a little brighter, right where we are.
I’ve come to love my backsplash, I never see the imperfections, I just see the overall beauty and the patterns of light that reflect from it. It also helped that the home tour provided such favorable feedback.
What do you see first, the imperfections or the beauty? Make 2018 a year where you stop focusing on the imperfections and start focusing on the beauty found around and within us all.

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
Maxine and Kindness

Maxine is a Hallmark Card character, known as the queen of crabbiness. In her words, “I yell it like it is, and if I don’t like how it is, I yell it like it ought to be.” Maxine is not someone you associate with kindness, but when I recently saw her play, “A Maxine Christmas Carol,” it made me realized how important kindness really is. The first act was full of crabbiness. There were minutes of truth that were quite funny but the play did a great job in showing Maxine’s crabby side almost to the point of being uncomfortable.
For me the second act focused on two kindness themes. The first theme is that we all can make a difference in someone’s life no matter what our job. We all can enable a miracle for someone or at least bring a moment of joy. To do so, we need to step out the patterns of our life and sometimes rules need to bend. An example is Monica, who was bold to dress like Maxine to the play. Monica brought joy that day to the people in lobby and even took pictures with some of the fellow audience members. When you looked at her, you just had to smile. What fun she had by not being herself.
It is not hard to have memorable days with friends, but many times we just don’t bother. Thanks to Sharon for arranging that fun day. A day we will all remember with fondness. How can you bring joy to a friend?
The second kindness theme was about being kind to yourself so you can be kind to others. It was evident that Maxine was crabby and miserable because she was miserable inside. In the second act, she learned to be more vulnerable with friends and family. Part of the reason she has such a hard facade is because she wanted to ensure she wasn’t hurt. The problem with having such a hard shell is that it prevents love from entering. Maxine had to be kind to herself before she could be kind to others. She had to accept being vulnerable to find more connection with those in her life.
We see what we look for, if you look to see what is wrong, that is what you will see. When you put kindness in the world that is what will come back to you.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
November 2017
Expressing Kindness When It is Difficult
Most of the time it is easy to be kind, but what about those times when it is not so easy. How about when someone makes a mistake and almost kills you? Most people would say you are justified to scream, yell and be unkind.
Veronica found herself in that situation. She was on her way to Florida for a vacation, when she and her husband, only two hours from home, were struck in a head-on collision. A man was looking at his GPS and swerved into the wrong lane of traffic, hitting Veronica’s car. Veronica and her husband were luckily not hurt. They were inches from being killed.
What would you do? Societal norms would say yelling and screaming would be acceptable. However, Veronica thought this would be the time to try kindness. She told me because of what she read on my blog only two days earlier she knew she needed to be kind. She said if she hadn’t read my blog she might have succumbed to screaming and yelling, as most people do when they have had such a scare. She wanted to make the driver feel really bad about what he inadvertently did by being distracted while driving at 65 mph. However, she realized the wayward driver was truly upset and yelling at him would not change the situation. Unkind words would only make a bad situation worse. She was grateful they were all right. She told the driver that, yes, they did miss their vacation, but, since they were retired they will go another time. She did ask the driver to learn from his mistake, so it never happens to anyone else. Veronica told me, ” I still don’t know why what I had read on your blog just popped into my mind at that minute and instead of trying to make him feel worse I knew I needed to be kind and try to make him feel better. “
Kindness is often difficult when an unfortunate situation happens, but in Veronica’s words, “Sometimes we just need to stop and think before we say something. It is funny sometimes how one person can affect another’s thinking and it can be a chain reaction.”
Thank you, Veronica, for sharing your story and your kindness. When I hear how LiveKinder has helped to bring kindness into the world, it makes my heart sing.
Please consider sharing your kindness story and you will receive a free “Live Kinder” book.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
When You Are Blessed, You Should Bless
I have had many great bosses over my career and Peggy was one of them. We bonded by being female in a male dominated engineering company. I admire many things about Peggy, one of them is she never complained about people and let me tell you there were many she could have complained about. The second reason I admire Peggy is she lives her religious convictions.
Peggy’s favorite charity is Fellowship Housing. (Click here to find out more.) This is a wonderful charity that is fighting homelessness and poverty, one single mom at a time.. Their mission is to empower single moms by taking an intensive two-year program that takes them from the verge of homelessness to being confident, independent and financially stable. Fellowship housing exemplifies the proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime”. To modify for fellowship housing’s mission, it would read, Give a mom money your feed her family for a day, but give her financial skills you change her children’s life forever..
Peggy and David (Peggy’s husband) are Investor Property Partners with Fellowship Housing. They have bought not one, but four town homes that they have fixed up and are currently occupied by single moms and their children. Rather than renting out the town homes at market price, they rent it to a Fellowship Housing mom at a reduced rate. Peggy and David believe when you are blessed you bless others.
One of the furnaces broke in one of the town homes on the coldest winter day, Peggy made sure someone was available to fix it. She was at the home and without even blinking an eye gave the HVAC man her credit card. She not only paid the $700 bill but gave a prayer of thanksgiving that she was able to do so. She was grateful for the opportunity. Now, that is what I call a kind heart.
Many single moms hit a low point in their life, either because of bad choices, bad luck, medical conditions or other factors. Fellowship Housing moms are working full time to get their life on track. I don’t know about you, but when I was working full time with children, it was not an easy road, even with a husband to share the work load. Our society judges single moms too many times as failures and don’t understand how hopeless they feel. I am thankful that there are people that are breaking the poverty cycle by caring to give a hand up. This week’s Caring Heart award goes to Peggy and David Shumway!
Discussion points:
How many chances should a person get?
Who have you judged and should have blessed them instead?
Caring heart award is given to those that are unsung heroes in our society. If you would like to give a caring heart award to someone you know, please fill out the contact form at I would love to honor them on my Live Kinder blog.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
October 2017
The Hummingbird Bully
Last year we placed a hummingbird feeder in our yard. It was interesting to watch the different species of hummingbirds enjoy the nectar. This year was quite different. We had an overly aggressive hummingbird bully. Anytime an invader flew by the feeder the bully would fiercely defend the feeder. Mr. Bully would perch on a nearby branch and anytime an intruder showed up he would chase it away. If that did not work, he would dive at the other bird. His competitor did not have a chance. Hummingbirds are sometimes very territorial. In order to protect the food source, they do whatever they can to defend it for their own kind or even just for themselves. Mr. Bully was very dominant denying other hummers a chance, especially, if the competitor was a female or a male of a different species.
The aggressive behavior of Mr. Bully seemed so unnecessary. There were many times I told Mr. Bully we had plenty of nectar for all, but always to no avail. He didn’t need to worry about his next meal, we would take care of him and all the other hummers. Then, it hit me that must be what God thinks when he looks down on all us. Why do we live within a scarcity mentality? Unlike Mr. Hummingbird Bully, we know we should share and live by the Golden Rule. We often live in fear of others taking what we have. Building a wall between countries is really no different than Mr. Bully not allowing other hummers to drink from the tube feeder. Both actions are built on the fear there will not be enough tomorrow. Scarcity and lack drive our thinking, but God’s world of abundance, generosity and love is all around of us. It is there for all of us to choose instead of the serpent’s world of scarcity, suspicion and hostility. It’s a choice we make every day.
Further Discussion
Scarcity and lack mentality drive our fears that there will never be enough. “In The Soul of Money,” Lynne Twist challenges us to look closely at these assumptions. There is no simple fix. But it we take time to examine our drivers, we can make a better world. Lynne Twist has found ways to replace a sense of scarcity with a more-positive understanding of sufficiency and the freedom that awareness provides.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories.
Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
Caring hearts are available for purchase, in order for you to honor the kind people in your life.
September 2017
What Kind of a Friend Are You?
I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and there have been many happy times. My current happiness level is due to many factors but one of the major contributors is my wonderful friend, Corinne, my BFF. Corinne is the support I need in my life.
I met Corinne over 20 years ago at work when we worked in the same department. We started going to lunch every Monday. Even after we left those jobs we continued going to lunch almost every Monday for what I would estimate to be almost 1000 Mondays. What I loved about those lunches is that we did not use them to complain, sure we vented once in a while, but mostly our conversations were very uplifting. We encouraged each other, we solved problems, we supported each other to be more spiritual, we edited my booklet, Live Kinder, and most importantly Corinne would never let me spiral downward.
We are like Oprah and Gayle. If we were asked, “Which one of you is Oprah and which one of you is Gail?” we would probably analyze the question for an hour and come up with four or five different scenarios. That is what we do, we look at the possibilities.
Corinne has helped me in many area of my life but the main reason I am indebted to Corinne is the support she gave me when my son died. I absolutely do not know what I would have done without her. She was there for me when my son was diagnosed with stage four cancer, through the seven months of up and downs that led to his ultimate death. She helped me get through the awful hate mail I received for expressing my spiritual beliefs. What would I have done without Corinne?
She helped me with his Memorial Service including creating the most beautiful remembrance videos and baking wonderful desserts. She was by my side for the first Anniversary of Brian’s death Tribute my wonderful daughter-in-law had to commemorate his angel day. Most importantly, she also made sure that my life moved on, that I did not define my life by my son’s death. It is easy to be a good friend during good times, not so easy during sad times.
She also helped me map my brain to my new reality. She gave me a way to incorporate my son’s memory in my new life without him being there physically. She designed the beautiful necklace, shown. “B” is for Brian but turn it on its side and it is a heart.

It is embellished with a diamond that had a previous life as one of Corinne’s earrings; making it such a personal treasure. It also has leaves symbolizing my son’s love of nature. I just love the symbolism, especially the heart symbolizing that Brian’s love is always near. When I wear that necklace, I am always grateful that I have both Corinne and Brian in my life.
One of my favorite Oprah quotes is, “Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher.” That is what Corinne did and does for me, she takes me to a higher better place where happiness lives. I am so grateful to have Corinne, as my BFF and my soul sister in my life. We now live in different states but we still connect every day.
Discussion point: How do you spend your times with your friends; complaining or supporting them so they can go higher? If you spend over 1000 hours with your friend, what would you accomplish?
Do you have a friend that deserves a BFF Heart?
The ceramic BFF hearts are available for sale. Email me at for details.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for a weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!
Kindness Warrior Inception
In a previous post, I awarded my first “Kindness Warrior Award.” I thought you might like to know how that award became to be. The following post was written over a year ago and now I am finally brave enough to post it.
I love hiking in beautiful places. So, I talked my husband into hiking to Boynton Pass when we were in Sedona, Arizona. It was not a long hike but one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever experienced, right up there with the hike on the island of Capri. My secret motive was to better understand vortexes and see if I could feel it.
As we were climbing up to the Boynton Pass, we met two couples that we had shared a jeep ride with earlier that day. They asked if we could feel the vortex and at the moment all I could feel was the beating of my heart in my head from the upward climb to that point. I returned the question and she said, “No, even though I tried to be open.”
I went to the top of the knoll with no expectations and started really looking at all the twisted juniper trees. Strange how the trees are only twisted in the vortex areas and that the juniper trees grow straight in other areas. Then, I realized how many years in took for the trees to show the effect of the energy vortex. It took years to be twisted. I realized most people won’t be able to feel the energy in just five minutes in the knoll.
So I sat down, partly to lower my heart rate and partly to be grateful for the chance to be there. Vortex or not, it was one of the most beautiful places on earth. I thought how lucky the Native Americans were to live and be in nature and not work in cubicles. Prehistoric Indians made this area of Sedona home thousands of years ago. Boynton Canyon is still sacred to the Yavapai Native Americans who consider Boynton as their place of origin. As I sat there and meditated I was surrounded by Native American chiefs (in spirit) there to help heal me. I was hoping they were there to heal my sinus / ear infection, but that was not their mission.
The Boynton vortex is known to balance the feminine and masculine energy. They explained they were there to help my spiritual side strengthen, so I would have the strength to publish my kindness blog. They explained my soul story is one of a warrior and that I should not think of warrior as a bad, evil person but a strong person wanting to make a better world. They suggest choosing the wording of “kindness warriors” over ” kindness ambassadors”, and that is the origin of my kindness warrior program. My mission is to use masculine traits to bring about more feminine traits into the world.
I could have stayed there all day but I pushed it as long as I could with my husband. I was happy for the half hour plus. Going down the mountain was so much easier, having gravity in your favor.
I realized that feeling the vortex is correlated to how we deal with everyday life. In our society, we want the instant energy “feel”, but it doesn’t really work that way for most of us; we have to slow down to raise our awareness and to feel God’s loving energy. It is about us meeting the loving vortex energy on its level and taking the time to really experience it. There is just too much inferences in our society’s thinking to feel the energy for most of us. You have to take the time to allow it to seep into our hard shells. So, no, I really didn’t feel the energy as most people expect but I did get clarity on how to proceed with this blog. What a wonderful gift. I feel so honored, to have experience such love and peace. Peace is the vortex “real” feel.
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for a weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!