I don’t know what it is, but this year the colors of the spring flowers just seem brighter. The daffodils, the forsythia bushes, redbud and magnolia trees just seem more vibrant. This made me think about how some people are just vibrant and full of life, and Mary came immediately to mind. I asked Mary what brings such joy to her life. She responded that she just loves people. She gets joy when she can do something to bring joy to someone else or to make another’s life easier. Nothing makes her happier than seeing her own joy reflected in others’ faces.
Jesus told us to be fishers of men, and Mary believes that God desires for us to be connected with others. She explained, “It is as if God has given us a big fishing net. Each time we connect with another in His love, those two points on the net are connected, and the net becomes bigger and stronger. When we disconnect with someone, whether intentionally or not, the net weakens in that one place. By reconnecting, we can help add or restore strength to the net God has given us.”

Mary lives her life caring for others. She attempts to exhibit God’s love to those she meets. She also works to keep old relationships connected. She recently returned from a 20-day road trip where she reconnected with friends and family she hadn’t seen in a while. For some it had been only months, and for others it had been nearly 50 years! She saw more than 30 people in all, and she even made a couple of new connections. The purpose of Mary’s trips was to see how people in her net are doing, and she believes God leads her to know which connections to make each time. There are always surprises. In this last trip, she said what she noticed most was increased humility in many of her connections. Most were happy, some had suffered greatly, and generally all were content with their places in life.
Mary has worked at many jobs. She has been a stock broker, real estate broker, spa manager, accountant and now a gallery owner for the second time. She explained these jobs all provided the opportunity of reaching out to others in one way or another.
Mary’s life has not always been easy. She has lost not only her parents but both of her younger brothers. She has survived breast cancer and financial devastation. She says that every time her heart is broken, it becomes softer. When tragedy takes away those we love, we have a choice to remain sad, or as Mary states, find more people to love.
“Surviving tough times can give us a deeper understanding of others. God’s grace equips us with His mercy so that we can pour out the compassion we all need from time to time.”
With gratitude in my heart, I am very honored to bestow this month’s “Caring Heart Award” to Mary. She brings God’s grace to everything she does. If you would like to meet Mary, drop in at the Branson West Art Gallery. She is the owner and a very talented artist. While at the gallery, look for Mary’s fish paintings; some of them take her over a year to paint; talk about dedication to detail. Mary, thank you for all you do.
Do you know someone that deserves a Caring Heart award?
Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at info@LiveKinder.com I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at www.LiveKinder.com or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!