I was with my grandkids and we happened upon a lady with purple hair.  Her hair was a vibrant grape color.  At that exact moment, I saw another man start snickering and whispering with his kids about her purple hair.  I was dismayed, I couldn’t believe in this day and age we are still shocked by unusual hair.  I would never color my hair a shocking color but I’m glad we live in country where people can express their personalities.

 I am blessed to have a daughter that teachers her girls that they can never call a person “weird.”  My granddaughters are respectful of people that are different.    So, just as some people see the class as half empty and others see it as half full, I am learning there are people that only see the differences in people and criticize, while others concentrate on seeing the similarities and honoring the differences.   Let’s all make a promise never to judge a person as “weird.”  Let us look for the similarities instead.  

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at info@LiveKinder.com  I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at www.LiveKinder.com or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!